Community Grants

Demonstrate progress and measure impact from improved decision making

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The purpose of the program is to encourage and support community initiatives that respond to local needs, enhance community wellbeing and quality of life and are of benefit to our residents.
Local Government Framework element

Community Grants

The Community Grant Program provides funding to local organizations that offer programs which are intended to promote and develop a safe and healthy community through preventative measures.

Through the framework, a goal template is defined to capture and report key data such as the value of applications being sought and approved, the grant category (Youth, Family, Seniors, etc) and the approval status.  Furthermore, through linkages to the Council Resolution records, Council endorsement records are saved along with the original PDF application meaning all key details are readily to hand.

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 Live Example Framework Content

Live Community Grants

Through the framework, a goal template is defined to capture and report key data such as the value of applications sought and approved, the grant category (Youth, Family, Seniors, etc) and the approval status.  Furthermore, through linkages to the Council Resolution records, Council endorsement records are saved along with the original PDF application meaning all key details are readily to hand.

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