Planning, Governance and Capital Projects

Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council needed to modernize the way they developed, tracked, and reported on their Local Government plans.

Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council

The Challenge

Local Government Planning encompasses a multitude of planning documents. When managed through Word, Excel, or aged softawre systems the key challenges are in:

Products we implemented

Key Results & Deliverables

Cascade Strategy software is an ideal software product for Local Government when combined with our Local Government Framework©.

Key functionality includes multiple plans, unlimited planning levels, plan linkages, single planning page for managers, strategy model, planning templates and update templates, with ease of integration.

Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council have been able to implement integrated planning & reporting for: strategic plans, operational plans, service levels, capital projects, project management and governance plans.

We deliver a monthly training program with managers to help develop their planning & reporting skills. This assists with engagement, reduces anxiety and ensures planning and reporting is complete and accurate.

Plans listed in Cascase:

  1. Yarrabah Council Operations Plan
  2. Works & Infrastructure including Capital Projects
  3. Project Manager Reports to track the status of significant projects in
    drinking water, sewerage, waste management & recycling and animal
    management plan
  4. HR Department Plan
  5. Audit findings, internal and external


  1. Works & infrastructure
  2. Community Services
  3. Corporate Services
  4. HR Risk & Regulations, Policy and Governance

The Pathyway ahead looks forward to continuing their association with Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council, implementing for executive and managers further areas of our Local Government Framework for a comprehensive Corporate Performance Management (CPM) Solution. is an LG specialist implementation partner for Cascade Strategy who have developed a seamlessly integrated suite of tools for running your entire council. From strategic planning to performance management, Cascade includes all the tools you need to build an empowered, cohesive, andefficient organization with srategy at its heart. In 2018, Cascade signed up its 1,000th paying company, representing over 25,000 users across more than 60 different countries.

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Please fill-up this form first in order to download the PDF on Training and Development Program for Managers.