
Demonstrate progress and measure impact from improved decision making

Example Dashboard


Risk management is a proactive process that responds to change and facilitate continuous improvement in your organisation. It should be planned, systematic and cover all reasonably foreseeable hazards and associated risks.
Local Government Framework element


A role based method to systemically delegate control responsibility throughout the organisation to ensure controls are deeply embedded at all levels. role based means any changes to the organisational chart are automatically reflected in the control plan.  Supervisors, team members and new starters receive a complete picture off their responsibilities under the risk management plan. It is difficult to determine the effectiveness of controls without a person (role) being given ownership for that control.

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 Live Example Framework Content

Live Controls

Status reporting is built in making reports available for both executive management  and the risk and audit committee.  The control effectiveness can be systematically examined to understand the criticality of the control.

  • Preventative controls aimed at reducing the likelihood of an incident or adverse event occurring.
  • Detective, controls that identify failures in the current controlled environment.
  • Corrective controls to reduce the consequence or rectifying a failure that may have been identified.
  • Treatment plans are initiatives that are tracked through the framework to follow the progress of the implementation.
  • Example Control Report


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