Our Government Frameworks are Different

Our Framework is applicable to all levels of government. It provides structure and discipline with ultimate flexibility in Corporate Performance Management.


Our Government Framework©, software system and training & development support programs provide executive and management with a decision making environment that enables organizations to demonstrate progress and measure impact.

Key Framework Benefits

Our framework helps organizations set, track and reach their goals.

Integrated Planning

Align all plans to the strategic plan and also all department, master and governance plans.

Show Progress

Enable your organization to effectively use and support progress measures.


Report on the present and at what level you’re capable of holding over time.


Learn how to achieve high impact planning

Smart planning and sustained execution are needed to anticipate and navigate the increasing complexity and challenges facing government leaders. Despite these imperatives, public-sector agencies rarely excel at strategic planning and execution. They struggle to change their organization’s behaviour with a planning system that is too focused on bureaucratic processes at the expense of outcomes; a system compounded by frequent changes in leadership that are tied to election cycles, entrenched hierarchies and regulations, and a culture of risk avoidance.

GovernmentFrameworks.com and our Government Framework© is about building a comprehensive, integrated system that allows agency and department heads to determine priorities, put adequate resources behind those priorities, and then hold people accountable for results. It is about solving real problems and being able to demonstrate progress. When they achieve this, government leaders find that they are fighting the right battles and delivering lasting value for their citizens.

Show Progress

Learn how to demonstrate progress

Progress happens to our results and to our actions. Executive and management need to know how well we are reaching our goals and implementing our actions to reach those goals. Progress also happens in the moment, as well as over time; so they also need to know how their organization is doing right now, and at what level its capable of holding over time.

To demonstrate progress in Government is both complicated and complex. Many data sources are available to government decision-makers. These data sources with multitudes of measurements may not be relevant to improving government performance in pursuit of policy objectives. KPIs selected because of easy measurement or lacking traceability between outcomes, outputs and inputs result in information noise for decision-makers.

Our Government Framework©, aligned to the organization’s integrated planning and reporting framework, allows management to demonstrate and measure performance, activity, targets, the status and progress of delivery programs, policy implementation, culture change and the like. It is not really a question of which progress measure to use; we enable your organization to use them, so they support each other.


Demonstrate progress measures irrespective of unplanned events


Learn how to support strategy execution

Teams that excel in strategy execution are those that break strategy down into clear, practical deliverables and then cascade those deliverables downward through frequent messaging. Government agencies now have our Framework and Training and Development Program for Managers that will motivate employees every single day, so they understand how what they are doing connects to the important strategic levers that executives are focused on.

Take the leap and transform from ordinary to legendary.

Leaders extract insights and gain confidence and resilience to face difficult situations.